Showing posts with label virtual dating popularity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label virtual dating popularity. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Psychology in Dating On Line; What Makes Us Date Online

Internet dating has appeared not so long ago. So, we can speak about it as a newly born trend, which took place in 21 century. Practically all of us have ever visited dating sites with the only one desire – to find love there. So, we all know what it is like. As Internet becomes more and more popular for everybody, Internet dating also develops. We can either just chat on line with someone or even create our own profile and it will be like a personal diary. So, here we are to explain the users, how does on line dating work and what it present for us.

So, why do people date on line? There are a lot of answers. First of all, Internet is a place, where you go to with hope to find somebody familiar to you. You can chat with people, whom you like and who appreciate you. While chatting you explore your inner world, you find some trait in you, which you have never explored in you in real life. It helps you to be who you are and it is very important. We hope that nobody will judge us there, nobody tells anything bad about you. This anonymousness helps people to open them to the others and to be yourself. These are the things, which we often can’t do in our real life. But think also about the negative side of on line dating – cheating. It is a real problem, how pity it would sound. You never know what kind of a person there is in front of the computer. Usually most people just exaggerate their qualities in order to create a good impression of them.

Usually people do this on purpose. And it is pleasantly to hear that there are still people, who do not do this.

There are many reasons, why do the relations in the net form. Sometimes married people find for someone abroad to fulfill their inner emotions, but mostly single people try to find those, who have same interests and viewpoints. The choice of people in the net is so wide that you can find any unique person as you wish. The surveys showed that the most interesting areas for those, who chat on line, are relations and sexual relations. In the Internet people are able to show more of them then in real life. They become more open to other people. More honest to each other, as they think nobody could see them and punish for their thoughts. If in the end of such communication a couple appears, their relations would usually be more strong and pleasant than all others. By the way, many people would like to meet person from other country, whom they chat with in the net.

Though internet relations are spreading, they have an effect on real relations and communication. As you understand, Internet relations are much easier to hide from people, whom you wouldn’t like to know about it. In virtual life all kinds of relations do exist, no matter if you are just friend or look for deep heart emotions. But according to the surveys, different Internet affairs and relations have a huge effect on existing relations, though many people may think that real affairs only have some effect. It happens so because no matter which an affair is, you pay much attention to this affair but forget about you ordinary daily problems and family.

Internet is also a huge surface for you to show your sexuality. Its popularity grows every day. Providers help users and provide them a lot of place for their fantasies. Also you may find a sexual partner there, share your sexual preferences and fantasies. In such a way they allow people to take different roles, what he or she desires. It’s like a game. You can change yourself whenever you wish. As to the outcomes of such experiments with our sexuality, there are negative and positive results. Sure, such experiments may play a good role for some people, but not for all. Also you will be able to see that on line sex has some frames and limitations. But nevertheless such sexual relations develop much faster than in reality. It happens so because good conditions are made by the Internet. People know beforehand about their partner and their goals. Unlike in real life you do not know what to expect. Here people wait for the same from each other. Also you never think of what people around would say. You are only with your partner and nobody bothers about you. You do what you want, and you want what you do.

This is also an important point of trust in the net. You know that you and him or her are totally anonymous and you can trust your partner and you will be sure that he or she has no sense to tell lies, so as you. In real life we know about the responsibilities before another person and you never know could you trust someone or not. Also as physical contact is not involved in the process while having experiments on line in the Internet, you feel totally safe and calm. Everything, of which you dreamd about, you can fulfil here. You can use all your sexuality and a lot of other means in order to get satisfaction and fulfillment from your partner on-line.

There were times long ago, when we couldn’t even imagine a possibility to have any relations with a person, whom you do not know and who is far from you. A long time passed since we thought of especially sexual relation on line. But the times have changed, people have changed and our way of life too. We think in another way now, the world develops and we develop too. Now on line dating and Internet relations are quiet normal and very popular among people of all ages. We all are from different countries, have different attitudes and different appearance. But Internet is a place, which gives us freedom, which we can’t find in our daily life. And this trend will only be developing more and more. We will never stop any more. This freedom allowes us to live a full life!